Food and Nutrition Education as a means of promoting independence and social inclusion of blind people
The aim of the study was to develop and adapt educational materials on various topics of food and nutrition
for blind people as a way to share knowledge, promote social inclusion and rescue them citizenship. The
study was conducted from a partnership between the Department of Nutrition at the Federal University of
Juiz de Fora and the Association of Juiz de Fora Blind. Research in scientific articles, web sites and blogs on
existing teaching resources for nutritional assistance to the blind and a literature review on the main themes
covered in educational activities feeding/nutrition and systematization of data was performed. From this it
was made the development of educational/informational materials that were presented to an interested
public. I chose to work with: Memory game for children and food pyramid and leaflets with various guidelines on nutrition for adolescents and adults. Educational materials had good acceptance can be admitted as applicable tools EAN for blind people. It was found that the Human Right to the Suitable Alimentation and the Food and Nutrition Security are not consolidated within the care practices to this public, highlighting the need to restructure health intervention strategies.
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