Injuries in judo athletes with visual impairment: psychological implications
Sports injuries in Paralympic judo athletes can have significant psychological implications, affecting both their mental well-being and athletic performance. Like in any sport, injuries can be painful and debilitating and result in prolonged recovery. However, these injuries can take on additional significance for Paralympic athletes as they already face additional demands due to their visual impairment. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the psychological implications of sports injuries in visually impaired judo athletes. Thirteen athletes of both genders, with an average age of 29.5±8.25 years, were evaluated through a semi-structured interview consisting of 13 questions. The interview responses were analyzed following a set of procedures that included: a) verbatim transcription of the athletes’ judo responses; b) thorough reading of the interviews to fully understand their content; c) initial selection of relevant information, using phrases and/or statements as units of analysis; d) data reduction through coding, followed by grouping of various phrases and/or statements into common analysis categories; e) validation by judges who classified each statement into a category. The results revealed five categories of responses: Physical and Functional Impact of Injuries, Psychological Impact of Injuries, Predisposition to Quitting Training, Psychological Rehabilitation, and Return to Training. Fear, frustration, anger, and sadness were the most experienced emotions. Psychological stress during the rehabilitation process, impatience for returning to training, concerns over being unable to perform previously executed movements, fear, and insecurity about experiencing a new injury, and feelings of anxiety regarding the return to competitions and performance were also reported. It can be concluded that coping with pain, uncertainty, and the pressure to return to competition can be a journey filled with emotional and psychological challenges for Paralympic judo athletes. Therefore, the psychological impact of sports injuries should not be underestimated, as it can contribute to the development of symptoms such as stress, anxiety, and depression.
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