The inclusion of people with visual impairments in Technical and Vocational Education and Training
This article is the result of research developed from March 2020 to December 2021 by the Master's Program in Professional and Technological Education of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina. The work sought to identify the didactic and instructional procedures used in professional education courses at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, with the aim of proposing a guide for teachers and pedagogical support teams at the IFSC, with guidelines on procedures that favor inclusion. in teaching people with visual impairments. From a review of documents that establish the norms and guidelines for inclusive education and the analysis of the resources used for teaching and learning of people with visual impairments, we sought to understand the historical process of the inclusion of people with visual impairments and the insertion of these students in the IFSC's professional training courses. The research had the participation of 16 teachers, 5 students with visual impairments and 5 managers. Content analysis was used as suggested by Bardin (1977). The results of this analysis revealed that the IFSC offers conditions for the inclusion of students with visual impairments, but it is necessary to better articulate their actions, mainly in the attributions of managers as well as in training and communication between teachers. The analyzed documents, IFSC Students' Permanence and Success Plan, School Census, indicate the need to offer adapted resources, something that the report of some teachers, students and managers did not confirm. These reports also indicate the inadequacy of the infrastructure, as well as the incompatibility in the number of students and teachers to meet the demand.
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