The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in everyday life of visually impaired people
The outbreak of COVID-19, declared a pandemic at the beginning of 2020 by the World Health Organization, brought significant changes in the daily routine of all people, who were forced to adopt hygiene measures and comply with social distancing, as ways to avoid contagion by the virus, as well as attempts to contain the spread. Given this context, the question arises as to what impacts these measures may have caused on the daily lives of people with visual impairment (DV). Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the impact caused by the pandemic on the daily lives of people with VI, especially in education and health, by searching for articles in the main international journals in the area. Searches were carried out for articles in the Capes Journal Portal and in journals specialized in DV. In total, four articles met the inclusion criteria and a research report. The results showed that the implementation of social isolation measures affected the mental health of people with VI, generating feelings of uncertainty, loneliness, health-related concerns, stress related to work safety and discrimination. Regarding education, difficulties were found such as the lack of accessibility in the use of technological equipment, problems of adaptation and insecurity to the new routine of remote learning. In addition, the period of social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic similarly affected all regions investigated in the surveys analyzed in this study. For future investigations, it is necessary to carry out similar studies in Brazil, which look at the impacts of the pandemic’s social isolation, both in adults and children with VI.
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