Audio description at school: an inclusive pedagogical approach of cultural accessibility
So that the disabled person can have guaranteed their right to participate, whether as creator or spectator,
of cultural activities is to create mechanisms and strategies that ensure accessibility conditions. With regard
to cultural inclusion of persons with visual impairment, highlight the audio description feature as a key tool
for cultural accessibility. The audio description technique consists of a select and objective description of
what is relevant for understanding the scene or image. Given the importance of the resource for cultural
and social inclusion for students with disabilities and also considering this as an educational resource, the
Reference Center for Special Education – Municipal Institute Helena Antipoff (IHA), a body of the Municipal
River City Education January, has been conducting studies and research on the use of audio-description for
students of municipal schools. These studies are developed in the workshop of audio description of the
said Institute which is a space of observation and experimentation appreciation of diverse artistic works
such as cinema, theater, dance and exhibitions. This article aims to present a comprehensive educational
proposal of cultural accessibility using the audio description feature applied to students with and without
disabilities in the workshop of audio description of the IHA. The development and implementation of a
pedagogical proposal audio description led us to conclude that students benefited from artistic works
offered. We believe it is essential that students make use of audio description as soon as possible, the
school being propicius space for this experience, ensuring you from the beginning of their schooling, their
effective cultural inclusion.
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