A perspective on the visually impaired’s inclusion: considerations of a math teacher

  • Luí Fellippe da Silva Bellicantta Mollossi
  • Tatiana Comiotto Menestrina Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
  • Marnei Luiz Mandler Universidade da Região de Joinville
  • Laura Comiotto Menestrina Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
Keywords: Math Education, Visually Impaired’s Teaching, Inclusion


The main objective of this article is to report and analyze the challenges perceived by a Math teacher of a
municipal school of Joinville (SC) who has in her classroom a visually impaired student. The following work
is a result of a semi-structured interview which has happened in August 2013 and its findings were used in
a coursework of the same year by a Mathematics student from the Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
(UDESC). The interview illustrates the way this teacher used to perceive the inclusion of a visually impaired student in her classroom and her outlooks and feelings when facing the challenge to teach Math to this
student. The difficulties experienced by the teacher, her teaching methods and the way she was qualified
to work with visually impaired students are also approached in this interview. Questions about the changing
of her professional e personal concepts proportioned by the inclusion of this student were also raised.

Author Biographies

Luí Fellippe da Silva Bellicantta Mollossi
Licenciado em Matemática, pós-graduado em Psicologia e Educação Espacial.
Tatiana Comiotto Menestrina, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
Professora titular da UDESC
Marnei Luiz Mandler, Universidade da Região de Joinville
Acadêmica de Psicologia pela UNIVILLE
Laura Comiotto Menestrina, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
Professor assistente da UDESC