From the next edition and on, Benjamin Constant will publish thematic dossiers. In the first volume, the magazine’s editors invite researchers from different areas (Art, Anthropology, Communication, Education, Teaching, History, Museology, Sociology, etc.) to contribute articles and experience reports that tension – substantially – the relations between Visual Culture and visual impairment, visual impairment associated with other disabilities and deaf-blindness, in its most varied dimensions and potentialities.
The submission period runs from April 15 to July 15, 2021, and the dossier is expected to be released on October 15, 2021.
Check out the rules and procedures for submission at this link.
2) Call for papers of thematic dossiers - BE A BENJAMIN CONSTANT’S GUEST EDITOR
Benjamin Constant's Editorial Committee is receiving dossier proposals on relevant or emerging topics in the area of interdisciplinary knowledge linked to the themes of visual impairment, visual impairment associated with other disabilities and deaf-blindness. The call is open to researchers linked to a national or foreign higher education and/or research institutions. The proponents will act as organizers of the dossier (maximum of 2 people), acting as Benjamin Constant’s guest editors.
Proposals will be received by completing the Thematic Dossier Submission Form for BC. The submission period runs from April 15 to July 15, 2021, and its expected to be released on August 2021.
Check out the rules and procedures for submission at this link.
3) Changes in the paper’s submissions process - MIGRATION TO THE OJS PLATFORM
Benjamin Constant announces that the entire process of paper’s submission and evaluation is now carried out by the journal's website, which uses the Open Journal System (OJS) software. Recommended by CAPES, the editorial process in OJS platform allows an improvement in the quality of the of journal’s analysis and the information flow speediness.
We inform authors, readers, and evaluators that the editorial flow by OJS is in the implementation phase and, therefore, may present instabilities. If you experience any problems, including accessibility, please contact the magazine’s editors:
4) Changes in the publication process - PERIODICITY AND IDENTIFICATION OF EDITIONS
Following the scientific journal’s trend, Benjamin Constant begins to adopt CONTINUOUS FLOW PUBLICATION. In this modality, the papers are published as they are accepted and diagrammed, and there is no waiting period for the edition’s composition to be complete. The main objective of continuous publication is to accelerate the communication process of research and thus contribute to its availability for readings and citations. This also aims to meet the requirements for indexing in large databases and raise our ranking before Qualis.
The first papers to be part of BC’s next edition will be published on the magazine's website in April 2021.
In addition, based on national education journals standard, from BC’ 62nd edition, the Editorial Committee will adopt the volume and number identification model. The volume of each edition corresponds to the sequential number of the calendar year, counted from the journal’s foundation year (1995). The edition number corresponds to the sequential number of editions.
Therefore, the next published edition will be v. 27, n. 62.
5) Editorial team and journal's policy updates
Check out the updates on Benjamin Constant’s website, on the sections "About the Magazine"and "Editorial Team".
We hope to continue counting on the extensive participation of visual impairment, visual impairment associated with other disabilities and deaf-blindness researchers in Benjamin Constant – such as authors, readers, and evaluators.
We also remind that, in addition to the thematic dossier, the general’s paper submission in visual impairment, visual impairment associated with other disabilities and deaf-blindness theme is permanently open. Articles, essays and literature reviews, experience reports and critical reviews are accepted in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Submissions are exclusively made through the Benjamin Constant’s website.
Benjamin Constant Editorial Committee