Exploring the concept of area and perimeter through the use of materials and resources accessible to students with visual impairments

  • Luana Sampaio Instituto Benjamin Constant - IBC, Colégio Pedro II - CPII
  • Fábio Bernardo Instituto Benjamin Constant - IBC
Keywords: Concrete materials, Accessible Resources, Area and Perimeter, Visual Impairment


The aim of this work is to present an experience report that took place within the scope of Teaching Internship, a mandatory curricular component for obtaining a Master's degree from the first author, supervised by the second author. The objective of the internship is to provide the master's student with the development of teaching practice, focused on teaching people with visual impairments, following closely the reality of a specialized institution. The activities were discussed, planned, developed and applied in a Vocational High School class, made up of blind and low vision students, with the aim of exploring the concept of area and perimeter. The cooperative and articulated work between the authors stands out, established over thirty hours of internship, which culminated in a teaching practice, carried out in two periods of fifty minutes of class. Problem solving was proposed, made available in Braille and in expanded format, collective discussions on the concepts and definitions of the object of knowledge in question, in addition to the use of different tactile resources and concrete materials. The results point to an experience of active participation by students in the proposed activities and discussions and the imminent need to use accessible materials for understanding and consolidating the concepts studied.

Author Biographies

Luana Sampaio, Instituto Benjamin Constant - IBC, Colégio Pedro II - CPII

Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Temática da Deficiência Visual – PPGE-IBC

Fábio Bernardo, Instituto Benjamin Constant - IBC

Doutor em Ensino e História da Matemática e da Física pela Uiversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)


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