This article presents the narratives of two teachers of Mathematics to visually impaired students during the period of the covid-19 pandemic, which affected the 2020 and 2021 school years. At that time, face-to-face classes in schools were replaced by a remote teaching emergency system, requiring the use of technological resources such as smartphones and computers to access the virtual classroom. However, in addition to the difficulties related to the lack of equipment and connectivity, the lack of accessibility to the exposed content became an obstacle for the visually impaired student to have an adequate understanding of the topics covered. For this reason, in order to understand the difficulties and challenges faced by teachers during this period, as well as the strategies found to teach Mathematics to visually impaired students, we decided to carry out narrative interviews with these teachers. We understand that through the experiences and perceptions of those who experience their own school routine, it is possible to have access to knowledge related to the teaching and learning processes of these students. After transcribing and analyzing the narratives, we observed that the teachers highlighted in their statements the importance of accessible tactile resources for that process. Even though they had sought other pedagogical strategies to reach the students, the lack of face-to-face mediation with the use of accessible tactile materials made it difficult to understand the mathematical content taught.
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