A A systematic literature review at an international level
Statistical graphs and blind students
Familiarity with data presented through texts (written or oral) and graphical or tabular representations constitute one of the important issues of statistical knowledge and which are part of Statistical Literacy skills required by citizens according to Iddo Gal's model. Thus, this article seeks to discuss international publications from 2015 to 2022 on access to statistical graphs for students and/or blind people. The research is part of the development of a doctoral study that considered carrying out a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) based on the planning of a protocol that guided data searches on the portal of Capes journals published in English. We identified 178 papers, but only eight were included for analysis and discussion as they matched the inclusion criteria previously defined in the search protocol. The studies involved students, teachers and people with visual impairments to access information represented by graphics in a computational environment. Studies with students focused on evaluating their performance in activities aimed at reading graphs. With the teachers, the articles considered the speech and description of the teachers about ways of presenting graphs for visually impaired students, in addition to aspects of the use of tactile resources in the teaching process. Studies involving the computational environment attach importance to user participation in the validation process and contribution to the development of technological accessibility. The result of the RSL, in general, showed that the studies prioritize the elements of knowledge, however some also consider the elements of disposition, being possible, therefore, to establish connections with aspects of statistical literacy.
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