Bibliographic search in research databases
The scarcity of work on multiple disability associated with visual impairment
The demand for researches involving Multiple Disability and, more specifically, Multiple Disability associated with Visual Impairment in the context of a specialized public teaching institution at the federal level raises questions that are not always clarified from the search for works and studies in academic and, mainly, educational fields. A preliminary investigation for bibliographies in the area brought up the hypothesis of the lack of consensus that still exists today on the term Multiple Disability itself, in addition to the hypothesis that there are still few studies on this subject. In this context, this research reports the third part of an investigation of existing bibliographies in the area between the years 2015 and 2020 in Brazil in order to provide discussions about the different concepts of Multiple Disability, contribute to the expansion of the discussion about Multiple Disability associated with Visual Impairment, in addition to verifying the need for new studies that fill in the gaps found or little explored. The study used two search platforms to carry out the work, CAPES and SciELO journals, using selected descriptors. The methodology used was the State of the Art – a type of bibliographical research –, and the work was divided into three stages of analysis. The first stage, quantitative, included the search for data collected on the selected platforms. The second stage, quali-quanti, contemplated a more detailed analysis of the bibliographies found, with the objective of verifying the data under the bardinian perspective and separating them by categories. Finally, since steps one and two have already been presented and published, we focused on the third step, where the data were analyzed again, now from a thorough reading that included a discussion about the relationship between the data found and the initial research motivation, now using only two of the five descriptors initially analyzed: Multiple Disability in education and Multiple Disability in inclusive education. The results indicate a still very small number of bibliographies in the area, as well as show conceptual divergences between the bibliographies found and still a gap regarding reports of pedagogical practice.
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