Audio description in teaching Brazilian Sign Language to a low vision person
A teaching experience at the service of inclusive education
In 2020 and 2021, education needed to seek work methodologies that contemplated remote teaching. In Brazil, the locus of application of this proposal, many students with disabilities were at the mercy of pedagogical activities without any kind of accessibility resource, from textual files in image format to the use of visual elements without audio description. A very specific situation of this process was the teaching of Brazilian Sign Language (BSL) in a remote context to visually impaired students. It would be essential, in this case, the elaboration of a proposal for joint work between the specialist in Specialized Educational Service (SES) and the teacher of the curricular component. This paper aims to describe the enrichment of teaching practices carried out, in a remote context, in the specialized educational service of a student with low vision and student of Pedagogy of a federal university, having as support the use of Didactic Audio Description – DAD. Being a pilot experience of the authors, the article brings some concepts necessary for the development of the activity: audio description and its basic structure, didactic audio description, Brazilian Sign Language and its parameters, as well as elements necessary to understand specialized educational care. The methodology applied was action research, in which one of the authors was present in all classes in order to recapitulate the previous knowledge about the Brazilian Sign Language and how it could be taught, remotely, to this student with low vision. It is concluded that the use of audio description in the teaching of BSL not only contributes to the learning of people with low vision, but also contributes to the organization of the spatiality of those who are considered typical individuals, that is, the subject who does not present disabilities, developmental disorders or any type of learning disorders.
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