Inclusion of a student with visual impairment in a supervised internship, analysis according to Grounded Theory principles
The present research is the result of a master’s thesis aimed at elaborating how the process of inclusion and insertion of the visually impaired college student takes place at a school context in their Supervised Internships of the Natural Sciences course at a Federal University located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Data were obtained through semistructured interviews and application of an online form in a public school at the city Uruguaiana – RS during the COVID19 pandemic period. This is research presents a qualitative approach and an exploratory nature. An individual case study was used as a procedure, with multiple units of analysis, and the data were analyzed in the light of Grounded Theory (GT). The analysis pointed out that a set of factors is necessary (favorable environment; physical, methodological and curricular adaptations; professional improvement) to promote new experiences, enhance and enable formative coexistence (the willingness to live with people with disabilities) that begins in the school environment and it can enable a culture of inclusion in other areas of society. Though people with disabilities can occupy different spaces in society, when talking about disability, the focus is generally on the limitations of these subjects and not on their skills and/or knowledge to be shared. However, the stereotype of limitations of people with disabilities is clearly being rethought and comes to favour and provide new experiences and life expectations for these people. Likewise, as a teacher in initial training, the person with disability aims for these exchanges, dialogues and thoughts that are built with more experienced teachers, with a greater baggage of knowledge, at schools.
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