Case study of a acquired visually impaired student in graduation

mediation and learning from the perspective of Vygotsky

  • Augusto César Cardoso Mendes Faculdade Pitágoras – Betim (MG)
  • Scarlet Francelli Faculdade Pitágoras – Betim (MG)
  • Luiza Rafaela Brits Faculdade Pitágoras – Betim (MG)
  • Fabíola Fernando do Patrocínio Alves Faculdade Pitágoras – Betim (MG)
Keywords: Special Education, Symbolic Mediation, Accessibility, Blindness, Psychology


This experience report deals with the experience of a student with acquired blindness in higher education, which was based on the concept of mediation proposed by Lev Vygotsky. Therefore, we tried to report how the aforementioned student’s teaching and learning processes were conducted and thought. Methodologically, a bibliographic review was carried out to understand in depth about the socio-historical references proposed by Vygotsky, which were used as a basis for the care provided to the student. In addition, a semi-structured interview was conducted with the student, in order to learn about her experience about her inclusion process. Thus, the student’s clinical case was constructed, explaining her blindness process and correlating it with the challenges of this deficiency in view of inclusion in higher education. As a theoretical framework, we used the Special Education guidelines from the perspective of Inclusive Education and the contributions of the socio-historical approach. Finally, it was found that the mediation resource was successful in terms of the teaching and learning processes experienced by the student. However, it was realized that although the mediation instrument was successful, there is still much to be done to make the learning experience of students with blindness acquired in higher education less rudimentary.

Author Biographies

Augusto César Cardoso Mendes, Faculdade Pitágoras – Betim (MG)

Graduado em psicologia.

Scarlet Francelli, Faculdade Pitágoras – Betim (MG)

Graduada em psicologia.

Luiza Rafaela Brits, Faculdade Pitágoras – Betim (MG)

Graduada em psicologia.

Fabíola Fernando do Patrocínio Alves, Faculdade Pitágoras – Betim (MG)

Graduada em psicologia.


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Experience Reports