Aspects of subjectivity of visual disabled student

  • Edinaldo Bomfim Sales
Keywords: Subjectivity, Visual impairment, High school


The present article, derived from a masters dissertation research, aimed to investigate the developmental conditions of the schooling of a student with visual impairment in High School, since, not coincidentally, they are people who still face pseudo-representations of disability or extraordinariness. We produced a research with visually impaired students from a municipality in the interior of the State of Pará, with a focus on the theory of subjectivity and its qualitative epistemology. It was a case that integrated a multiple-case study using the constructive-interpretive method. Among the participants, all those with visual impairment, graduated from high school, we will deal in this article with one of the cases. The objective of the study was to understand the processes of subjectivation made up of blind students with low vision about the processes of schooling in High School. The production of the information with the participant treated herein was a
reason for being subject in a condition of disability that experienced school realities already in adulthood, being individual with the property to manifest in depth about its singularity. The instruments used at different moments to produce the information were, firstly, a questionnaire, followed by an interview script, followed by an oral completion of sentences and ended with a conversational dynamic. The information showed that in the context of the greatest barriers, the processes of subjectivation more mobilized, impelling and teaching the individual to face them.
