Production of an information book by a child with low vision in the Multifunctional Resource Classroom: case study
The present paper to refer to case study, about of the work developed in the Multifunctional Resource Classroom with an 8-year-old child with low vision. Initially a Functional Evaluation of Vision was carried out and from the evaluation it was possible to verify with what resources the student could benefit and how to adapt the activities. To teach the use of these resources and improve the student’s functional vision, it was proposed to produce a book with a theme of preference for him. The main objective of the work was: to identify supporting technologies and adapt the necessary resources to promote student participation independently in the activities, in the Multifunctional Resource Classroom and in the school. As specific objectives: to teach the use of non-optical visual resources; to produce an informative book about
dinosaurs. The work began in the second two-month period of the school year and at the end of the year there was a significant improvement in the student’s performance and participation in the activities, both in the resource classroom and in the school. The present paper demonstrated how important it is not only to offer but to teach the use of resources to the person with visual impairment, and thus to promote their potentialities for the best interaction in their environment.