New tactile illustrated books for visual impaired children
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) emphasizes the importance of providing
the necessary conditions to assure that children with disabilities have the same opportunity to learn and
develop like the others children. The tactile illustrated books are books that combine text and relief image
for the visually impaired children. In a context of a inclusion policy rather strengthened in the last two
decades, the use of these devices has increased mediation reading in schools and libraries. A story that combines images and text in braille develops an essential role in the development of social skills,
communication and language on the reading activity, also stimulates the contact book in a playful way and
promote moments of exchange between blind and sighted people. This paper seek to present the theoretical and methodological bases of a research program called ”Multisens: new tactile illustrated books for the blind children” started in 2013 by Editors Les Doigts Qui Rêvent in partnership with the Research Institute Acte: Arts, Créations, Théories et Esthétiques of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. In a first moment we will look for discuss about the most important aspects of culture, cognition and communication that guides the creation of tactile images intended for people with visual disabilities and the possibilities of using these resources as mediators between the visual and non-visual world. Then, based on a recent survey data on tactile images production and reading for the blind people will be presented new guidelines for creating tactile illustrations in children’s books. It is about a new practice development focused on illustrative multi-sensory experiences befitting with the perceptual context of blind people and allowing new horizons of exchange and interaction between blind and sighted.
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