Assistive technology and blended learning: possibilities for inclusion
The purpose of this article is to present the use of digital technologies of information and communication
(TDIC), authorship and building technologies (TAC) and Assistive Technology (AT) to aim at effective inclusion
and overall development of handcapped students (EPAEE) (persons with disabilities, pervasive
developmental disorders and high abilities/highlygifted) and teacher education in hybrid contexts. Whereas
the Digital Inclusion processes, Social and School of EPAEE has been approached by different sectors of
society and education professionals, and presupposes the search for innovative teaching strategies,
curriculum should be reorganized and should be building a new educational philosophy, seeking to meet the requirements defined by current educational policy. Furthermore, the TCID are potentiators and means
for the development of human skills, especially when it is handcapped students. Through the scenario
experienced by researchers at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, especially in
teacher education in hybrid contexts, it became clear that changes are needed in the initial teacher education, especially with regard to the pedagogical and work with active learning methodologies, in order to establish a reflective process and to give effective transformations also in the reception and valuing differences.
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