The circle of movement like a learning method with visually impaired people: the role of field reports on intervention research
We started from the consideration that it is not natural for the body of the blind person or people with low
vision is tense and rigid. From a Body Workshop, movement and expression, held weekly since 2007 in
Benjamin Constant Institute, through a sensitive mobilization group so produce the activation of joints,
creating existential territory and reliable production in the world. This article aims to show how, from the
monitoring of the workshop process and the documentation of activities in field reports, we realize how
management workshop associated with the management of research had the effect of creating a work
methodology and the construction of knowledge. The research uses the Cartografy method (PASSOS et al.,
2009, e PASSOS; KASTRUP; TEDESCO, 2014), which is a method of intervention research involving the creation
of a field, a common body.
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