A study on the compatibility of the GarageBand musical application with VoiceOver
This study aims to verify the compatibility of the GarageBand app with the VoiceOver system (Apple
accessibility system for visually impaired people) enabled to ascertain if the easy way to use is kept when
the accessibility system is on. The methodology adopted is an analysis and observation of an iPad running
the GarageBand with activated VoiceOver. This analysis was made grounded by the seven resources of
accessibility developed by Lima Filho e Waechter and presented by Possatti, Perry and Silva. The analysis
results show that the app is compatible with the VoiceOver system, but it presents some programming
problems on the users touch screen with the system reading. Particularly with regard to reading chord, is
inaccurate and irregular. Although there is some improvements to be made, the app works well with the
VoiceOver system enabled and it can be used in various situations.
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