(Re)CREATE inclusive practices for people with visual impairments in physical activities and sport

  • Maria João Carvalheiro Campos Universidade de Coimbra, CIDAF, Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física
Keywords: Physical and Sport Activities, Inclusion, CRIE, Visual Impairment


Despite inclusive education being a matter of human rights rather than privilege, individuals with visual impairments (VI) often experience situations of isolation and exclusion, particularly in physical and sport activities. However, their feelings towards Physical Education (PE) classes depend on the actions, beliefs, and efforts of their teachers. Specifically, when teachers treat students with VI differently from their peers, sidelining or excluding them from activities, they perpetuate negative interactions among peers, leading to debilitating feelings. These feelings are similar in the sports context, where negative experiences in PE also create apprehensions about engaging in sports and recreational activities in adulthood. Therefore, it is important that Sports and PE professionals feel prepared to include participants with VI in physical and sports activities. With the aim of contributing to the improvement of professional training and developing more equitable and inclusive sessions, we intend to present pedagogical resources that can be used to engage participants with VI in physical and sports activities, specifically the “CRIE” Inclusion Model (Campos, 2019), Lieberman and Haibach (2016) instructional strategies, guidelines for children with visual impairment (Lieberman, Cowart, 2011) and Inclusion Spectrum (Black, Stevenson, 2012). Empowering PE and sport professionals is essential to promote recognition, appreciation of differences, and the effective participation of all. In this sense, it is crucial for the professional to (RE)CREATE their practices through the implementation of facilitating resources in the inclusion of participants with visual disabilities.

Author Biography

Maria João Carvalheiro Campos, Universidade de Coimbra, CIDAF, Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física

Doutora em Ciências do Desporto pela Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal


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Educação Física, Jogos e Atividades Físicas para Pessoas com Deficiência Visual