The process of forming identifiable representations for teaching the quadratic function to blind students

  • LUIS FERNANDO FERREIRA DE ARAÚJO Fundação Catarinense de Educação Especial
  • Rogério de Aguiar Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC
Keywords: Quadratic Function, Tactile Graphics, Visual Impairment, Monet Software


This paper is the result of a master’s research, carried out in the Master’s Program in Teaching Science, Mathematics and Technologies at UDESC, in which representation models (RM ) of graphs and tables are printed in high relief. The models were presented to the students who participated in the research so that they could handle them and check if they could recognize such representations and associate them with the mathematical object quadratic function. At the beginning of the investigation, the following question was proposed: “An activity in a book, written in braille and ink simultaneously, enables blind students enrolled in regular education to access different registers of semiotic representation of the quadratic function?”. The general goal of the research consisted of the creation of tactile graphics embossed and in braille, inserted in an activity notebook aimed at teaching mathematics to blind students. The participants of the research were: two high school students with acquired and congenital blindness and two professional proofreaders in braille. The RM (representation models) used in the study were developed from Monet and Braille Fácil softwares. The Theory of Semiotic Representation Registers proposed by Duval and the work of Cerqueira and Ferreira substantiated the research. Qualitative research and case study were chosen as methodological approach; and in the data analysis, the Content Analysis technique proposed by Bardin was used. Touch recognition of features displayed on the MRI was fundamental in the process of forming identifiable records, contributing to the students associate the parabola with the mathematical object that represents the quadratic function. Before starting the construction of the RM, it was verified the lacking of official documents that regulated the use of tactile graphics in Brazil, so it was necessary to elaborate parameters (PR) for the construction of graphs and tables models. These models were submitted to the evaluation of professional braille reviewers who provided suggestions for improvements in the produced material. From the experimentation process with the two students, it was found the need and importance of carrying out guided readings, at least in initial activities, as this way of reading helped the students to become familiar with the material, attributing tactile meaning to textures and reliefs. Based on adopted theoretical references and the findings reached during the experimentation, it was possible to make an activity notebook written in braille and ink simultaneously. It was found that this notebook can help blind students enrolled in regular education to have access to different registers of semiotic representation of the mathematical object quadratic function. This way, it was found that this didactic material, combined with the teacher’s work, is necessary for blind students to have access to mathematical object representations, especially those that comprise graphical and tabular representations.

Author Biographies

LUIS FERNANDO FERREIRA DE ARAÚJO, Fundação Catarinense de Educação Especial

Mestre em Ensino de Ciências, Matemática e Tecnologias pela Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC)

Rogério de Aguiar, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC

Doutor em Matemática Aplicada pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)


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