Learning to read and write in the pandemic moment
low sight, games and technology
In the years 2020 and 2021, with the Covid-19covid-19 Pandemic, the high risk of transmission of the
Coronavirus forced people all over the world to practice social distancing, which had as a consequence
the closing of schools, whose physical space was, temporarily, replaced by the virtual one. The present
article aims to share a teaching and learning proposal developed in this pandemic context with
students with low sight, in literacy stage, enrolled in the Benjamin Constant Institute. Such experience
was based on the use of games, combined with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT's),
which provided a means of interaction between teachers, students and guardians, favoring the process
of acquisition of reading and writing. This work is based on SOARES (2005; 2020), LEMLE (2006)
and FREIRE (1989), in the significant approach of literacy and literacy skills; basing such learning on
playfulness, through games and games (SAVELI; TENREIRO, 2011) and the use of ICT's as tools to
facilitate this process (PILETTI, 2013) (ROSE; MEYER, 2002). In this sense, accessible learning
games were developed for students with low vision aiming at the development of reading and writing
skills. Finally, it is intended to contribute through reflection on the experience with accessible and
meaningful teaching and learning practices for students with low sight in the literacy process.
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