On air, "Conexão Jovem IBC"
digital inclusion of visually impaired students
This paper is an experience report on the teaching project carried out at the Benjamin Constant Institute (IBC), a specialized public school for visually impaired students. This project was developed in the unprecedented context arising from the COVID-19 outbreak with the implementation of online teaching at Brazilian schools in the year of 2021. The main objective was to empower the visually impaired pupils in media and technological spaces, producing discourses from the theoretical concepts that underlie the project named Critical Literacy and Multiliteracies .The project started in Text Production classes in a Grade 9 class of Elementary School II in order to work on interviews with the creation of a podcast channel, later entitled Conexão Jovem IBC. Ten episodes were produced collectively throughout the year, addressing various themes through which students were able to research, create, record, and disseminate the episodes. Thus, the digital inclusion movement was understood as a tool of empowerment for these visually impaired students. That is, they are not just consumers of digital platforms, but rather content developers, leading the active construction of their own knowledge domain.
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