Grafics Builder: a proposal for autonomy in the construction and interpretation of graphics by blind students

  • Elaine Luiz de Carvalho Professor do ensino básico, técnico e tecnológico do Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC)
  • Vagner Santos da Cruz Professor do ensino básico, técnico e tecnológico do Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC)
  • Patrícia Ignácio da Rosa Professor do ensino básico, técnico e tecnológico do Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC)
Keywords: Graphics, Autonomy, Inclusion


Graphs and tables are important for teaching in general, and for a social choice, are usually expressed through visual representations. These representations are very common in our society and are widely used in school space, however, the tactile representations, which serve the blind people, end up being little used. It is considered important that the blind student can also access the tables and graphs, contributing to the development of their capacity for abstraction and generalization. Most existing graphical features specifically designed for this audience have ready-made materials that make graphics interpretation viable, but they also have limiting features because they do not allow students to construct graphs from the data in a table, for example. In this work, a two-dimensional, interactive and low-cost pedagogical resource was developed that presents flexibility in the formation of visual representations. Allows to construct curves automatically, providing autonomy in the construction and interpretation of graphics by blind students. This article aims
to validate the use of the “Graphic Builder”, as a pedagogical tool, in the process of teaching and learning blind students, according to the impressions of reviewers and students.

Author Biographies

Elaine Luiz de Carvalho, Professor do ensino básico, técnico e tecnológico do Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC)

Mestre em ensino das ciências - Unigranrio – PPGEC , especialista em ensino de química – UERJ,  Bacharel e licenciatura em química - UFRJ

Vagner Santos da Cruz, Professor do ensino básico, técnico e tecnológico do Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC)

Doutor em Ciências – UFRJ, Mestre em Ciências- UFRJ,  Licenciatura em Física – UFRJ.

Patrícia Ignácio da Rosa, Professor do ensino básico, técnico e tecnológico do Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC)

Breve Currículo: Mestre em diversidade e inclusão  _ UFF -  bacharel e licenciatura em Ciências/Biologia – Universidade Celso Lisboa
