Science education for visually impaired: development of didactic models in Instituto Benjamin Constant
Considering didactic model as an important tool in learning and teaching process, this study proposed the
construction of three-dimensional materials to teach scientific concepts for visually impaired students. To
contribute with special education and to encourage the use of this important educational tool, seven models,
representing phases of biological development of Aedes aegypti were made. The models were based on features of external morphology of this insect. All models were made with biscuit dough and tested in the classroom with blind and low vision students in elementary school at Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC). In order to evaluate the proposed strategy, tactile testing material, interviews and focus groups with students were conducted. Among all structures represented by the insect models, the students were able to understand more clearly antennae and wings. In general, the participants found interesting the use of models in class, and declared break the routine of lectures, as well as providing learning. It was concluded that strategy of developing a pedagogical tool, with accessible materials and low cost was satisfactory, since the models expanded the contact with physical space and made easier acquisition and consolidation of knowledge acquired in the classroom.
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