Museum education in the context of blind and low-vision people
This text results from investigation associated with Master Dissertation in the area of Philosophy and
Epistemology in Latin American Education in the context of diversity, as part of research developed by
research group Philosophy and Education Educogitans in the Education Masters Program [Mestrado em
Educação] in the Regional University of Blumenau (Furb), which aims to deepenth estudy of the museum and its social function in order to find the ways to ensure permanent access for blind and low vision persons
in museological spaces, providing museological actions that contribute for the sensitization process, as
well as the appropriation of knowledge and also the revival and redefinition of memories. With regard to
the universality of access to museum institutions, museums are working to fit the norms of the Statute of
Museums (Law Nº.11.904/2009). However, few permanent shares are heldin the museum field for blind
and low vision especially with regard to the statement of equity and assets.Thus, this research is relevant to
social inclusion and in particular calls attention to characterize the educational function of museums,
characterized in that text as museum education.
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