The Benjamin Constant Institute as disseminator institution of scientific research in the field of visual impairment

  • Naiara Miranda Rust Instituto Benjamin Constant
  • Fábio Garcia Bernardo Instituto Benjamin Constant
Keywords: Researches, Benjamin Constant Institute, Visual Impairment


The Present Work aims to highlight the important role of Benjamin Constant Institute (IBC), National
Reference Center in the area of visual impairment, as an institution that promotes, discusses and
disseminates work and research in its area of operation. The article brings a short history from existence,
the Current Structure, presenting a division of research documentation and information, which aims to
strengthen, document and disseminate such research within the institution, as well as sharing this knowledge through the journals and publications and put forward academic’s events. The text makes a “X-rays” about the First National Symposium on Assistive Technology, promoted by IBC in October 2015. It presents, in details, numbers of the event, the lectures, workshops and oral communications presented at the Symposium and appreciation by the participants. Finally, it reiterates the quest for a national leadership role in the field of disability visual by IBC regarding the specialized service in front of the demands for inclusive society and less exclusionary, which may offer the visually impaired best conditions of life.

Author Biographies

Naiara Miranda Rust, Instituto Benjamin Constant
Doutora em Ciências, Professora do IBC
Fábio Garcia Bernardo, Instituto Benjamin Constant
Mestre em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática, profesor do IBC


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